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Wednesday 7 May 2014


مركز تحميل الصور
My Family is everything to me

         Family is an important thing in our life because they are the first influence environment of all of our feeling, attitude and behavior. We arise with together so; they probably we know everything about each other. Thus, we can know that this is one of the true loves on the world because we know each other positive and negative points but still we love each other.

Is this because of the blood related?


Because of we used to live with each other that create this love?


Do you remberd

Do you remember or not?

Do you remember who is Hessa?
I am the little girl who met you in a crazy day
With the curly hear and nervous face.

Do you remember our promise?
That no matter of problems and pressure
We will still together

Do you remember how we felt?
With the first hand touch
And the scare feeling of losing each other

Do you remember how we went through lots of pressure?
That broke our heart and make us week but still we were together

Do you remember the nice places that joined us?
To make a place that will not forgot

I am still that girl who catches your finger as a little girl
To live the same life that we planned to
We will stay on our promise
Till our dream become true.

مركز تحميل الصور

(if you love someone a lot be with him no matter the situation that you face because the feeling that you will feel by ending the relation for any purpose will be more harmful)

Written by my hand


Hi everyone,

Welcome all to my Blog

& Hope all of U spend a great time with my posts.

مركز تحميل الصور
Welcoming Cake
